
Course Description

The skills and experience you’ll gain throughout the Land Survey Technician Mastery Certificate will all come together in this practicum where you will work on a real job site. Through this course, you’ll get actual experience as a land survey technician and walk away with the knowledge of how to talk about your skills and experience to secure a job in this field.

Is This Course For You?

This course is designed for anyone interested in joining the field of land surveying that has completed the rest of the required courses in Land Survey Technician Mastery Certificate. This practicum is an opportunity to get additional hands-on practice and experience with the skills you’ve learned in the rest of the courses in this mastery certificate, so it is not recommended that you take it as a standalone course.

What You’ll Learn

This practicum course is an opportunity for you to practice the skills you’ve learned throughout the mastery certificate program on a real job site. Under the supervision of an experienced surveyor, you’ll get hands-on experience with the day-to-day practices and tasks of a land survey technician. During this course, you’ll also discuss how to use your practicum experience to show your career readiness, including how to include your skills on a resume and how to talk about the work experience you’ve gotten from the practicum in a job interview.

How You’ll Learn

This six week course is fully in person and will take place on a real job site. This fully hands-on course will prepare you for what it’s like to actually work as a land survey technician. You’ll get practice with the daily tasks and responsibilities that you’ll be doing on the job, and by the end of the course you’ll have a performance evaluation from your site supervisor that you can add to your portfolio. There will also be discussions where you will cover how you can use what you’ve learned throughout the mastery certificate and the portfolio you’ve built to get a job as a land survey technician.

Skills You Walk Away With

By the end of this practicum, you will be able to:

  • Apply surveying skills on a job site.
  • Engage in the standard tasks and practices of a land surveyor.
  • Participate in weekly cohort check-ins.
  • Practice translating skills into elements of job readiness.
  • Synthesize their overall experience in the mastery certificate with their personal and professional development.

Applies Towards the Following Certificates

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