
Course Description

Protecting patient data is an ethical imperative in healthcare. Practitioners need to understand the different classes of data they will work with every day, and how to keep it secure. Through this course, you’ll learn about the importance of HIPAA privacy and security as well as its relationship to data stewardship and organizational risk. By the end of the course, you will be able to exemplify your job readiness and create a real-world project by preparing a cybersecurity program overview.

Is This Course For You?

This course is perfect for those in non-technical healthcare management working at the manager and director level with both clinical and non-clinical backgrounds. If you’ve worked in healthcare for two or more years in a non-technical manager role, this course will equip you with the tools and knowledge you need to keep your patients’ data secure and safe against cyber threats.

What You’ll Learn

In Healthcare Information Security and Standards, you will acquire practical knowledge of data protection, and develop skills to keep data secure through administrative, technical, and physical safeguards. From points of data collection to when in transit to how and when it is stored, you will learn how to systemically navigate checkpoints and prevent breaches and cybersecurity attacks. In addition, you’ll practice risk assessment through case analyses as well as forum discussions around threat research. You will also work with data in order to establish priority and importance in the event of a breach so you can effectively keep sensitive data protected.

How You’ll Learn

This five week course requires you to spend 5-6 hours per week on course work and asynchronous instruction, totaling about 25-30 hours over the entirety of the course length. You will learn through case studies, practice projects, forums with your peers, and more to help you get real-world practice with the skills you need to keep sensitive data protected. The course will culminate in creating a cybersecurity plan overview as your final project.

Skills You Walk Away With

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Assess cybersecurity risks in healthcare systems to safeguard patient information.
  • Analyze common cybersecurity threats to healthcare organizations.
  • Categorize healthcare data based on operational priority.
  • Prepare a cybersecurity program overview document.

Applies Towards the Following Certificates

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