CE-TCOM-1003 - Applied Technical Communication
Course Description
Technical communication skills are increasingly attractive to employers, and having a portfolio that displays your abilities is vital to making the most of your skills. In this practicum, you’ll get hands-on experience working on a range of different technical writing projects to hone your skills and build a strong portfolio.
Is This Course For You?
Whether you’re looking to start a career in technical communication or you want to add technical communication skills to your resumé to take the next step along your career path, this course is for you. This is one of the required courses for the Technical Communication Mastery Certificate, but it can be taken as a standalone course if you’re looking to get more feedback and practice with different forms of technical communication. Technical communication is in high demand in many industries including tech, health care, IT, education, business, and more, so using this course to build your portfolio can help give your career a boost regardless of your current role.
What You’ll Learn
In this practicum course, you will focus on a series of small projects involving writing documentation and applying edits to technical documents. The projects you’ll work on will involve understanding the characteristics and differences of technical documents, creating different technical documents, selecting and implementing appropriate review processes, and practicing the common tools used in technical documentation.
How You’ll Learn
This six week course is heavily focused on hands-on projects that will provide you with experience using your technical writing skills in various mediums. Throughout the course, you’ll write in a range of different formats including manuals, instructions, policies, procedures, and flowcharts, using the practice to hone your skills so you can use them in real-world applications.
Skills You Walk Away With
By the end of this course, you will be able to:
- Explain the characteristics and differences of various technical documents.
- Create a manual, instructions, policies, procedures, and flowcharts.
- Apply levels of edit and choose appropriate review processes.
- Practice common tools used in technical documentation.
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Applies Towards the Following Certificates
- Mastery Certificate: Technical Communication : Core Courses