
Course Description

The key to having a resilient business that can persevere and thrive through disruptions and setbacks is having a plan and strategic system in place before those disruptions and setbacks arrive. In this course, you’ll gain the knowledge and skills you need to identify the key parts and processes of your business or organization to ensure that you can keep operations running smoothly and with minimal down time when issues arise.

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Is This Course For You?

This course is designed for mid-career professionals interested in developing their organizational continuity skills. You can take this as a standalone course to implement your newfound knowledge as part of your current career path or continue onto the rest of the Organizational Risk, Continuity, and Resilience Mastery Certificate to transition to a career as a business continuity analyst.

What You’ll Learn

This course focuses on business and organizational continuity through identification of critical infrastructure and key resources, concepts for operationalizing risk mitigation, determining and working with essential functions of operations and contingencies, as well as risk assessment and risk reduction strategies. By the end of this course, you’ll understand the difference between a business continuity plan and a business continuity management system and when the right time it’s appropriate to use both of these.

You’ll also learn about various strategies and procedures used for organizational continuity including using an international standard (ISO 22301) to guide the development of a business and organizational continuity management system, understanding how the National Incident Management System (NIMS) guides all levels of government, nongovernmental organizations and the private sector to work together to prevent, protect against, mitigate, respond to and recover from incidents, and more.

How You’ll Learn

The course includes case studies and application of risk analysis, cost benefit analysis, performance metrics and optimization under uncertainty in a corporate environment. Crisis and risk communication strategies are an integral step in both the business and organizational continuity and risk management processes, and you’ll examine how this type of communication strategy functions so you can implement it in your own organization. Functional and NIMS compliant emergency management and emergency operations processes are examined as well so you can understand how to use these strategies to your advantage for organization continuity.

This fully online six-week course requires significant team project work as well as individual work since many of these processes are developed with a team, and learning how to properly communicate strategies and ideas are as integral as learning the theory behind them. You will also be required to post and respond in weekly discussion boards centered around the concepts that you’re exploring in each module of the course. This not only gives you the opportunity to not only share your personal experiences and point of view on the course material, but also the opportunity to hear the same from your peers and expand your thinking on the topics you’re covering.

Skills You Walk Away With

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Determine appropriate use of Business Continuity Management Systems and Business Continuity Plans
  • Map critical infrastructure, operations, and key resources
  • Perform a business impact analysis
  • Conduct a risk assessment and develop appropriate corresponding risk reduction strategies
  • Develop a crisis communications plan
  • Develop a business continuity training and testing plan
  • Define functional and NIMS compliant emergency management
  • Determine critical operations and map essential functions (critical infrastructure, operations and key resources)

Learner Outcomes


Enroll Now - Select a section to enroll in
Section Title
Business and Organizational Continuity
May 02, 2025 to Jun 13, 2025
Course Fee(s)
Tuition non-credit $695.00
Drop Request Deadline
May 23, 2025
Transfer Request Deadline
May 23, 2025
Section Title
Business and Organizational Continuity
Jul 07, 2025 to Aug 15, 2025
Course Fee(s)
Tuition non-credit $695.00
Drop Request Deadline
Jul 21, 2025
Transfer Request Deadline
Jul 21, 2025
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