
Course Description


In this certificate program, participants will acquire a foundation in translation theories and receive opportunities to apply tools, methods, and approaches to translating a variety of text types in accordance with best practices. Participants will engage with issues including translation as an act of social justice, social restoration, linguistic oppression, and audism. The aim of this program is to create translators who possess the knowledge and skills to be effective members of the profession. With its specific focus on Deaf translators, the training fills a gap in the discipline of Translation Studies. The goal of the program is to cultivate Deaf translators, CODA translators, BIPOC translators, and hearing sign language translators who will contribute to the development of translation studies and the advancement of translators.

The Certificate in Sign Language Translation is a Professional Studies (PS) program offering up to 10.0 CEUs at the Some Content Knowledge Level. (The program also includes some instructional material which counts toward RID CMP’s Power, Privilege, and Oppression requirement.)


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