
Course Description

Do you love sketching and drawing but want to explore careers that aren’t traditionally artistic? Industrial design is a great place to start. Industrial designers use sketching every day to visually communicate their ideas, and in this course you’ll discover how to share your design ideas using more than just your words. You’ll practice a range of techniques that you can use for industrial design as well as some tips and tricks for speeding up the process of sketching out your ideas.

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Is This Course For You?

If you’re a rising high school sophomore, junior, or senior interested in learning more about the world of industrial design, this course is a perfect way for you to get an overview of the industrial design industry. There’s also a focus on how sketching and drawing are used in a non-traditionally artistic setting, so if you want to learn more about how you can use those skills in other settings, this is a great place to start.

What You’ll Learn

The Sketching Like Industrial Designers course will give you an idea of what exactly industrial designers do as well as where they fit into the larger design process and what kind of careers exist in this industry. A key part of industrial design is being able to communicate your ideas using visuals as well as traditional spoken and written explanations, and you’ll learn the different ways you can use your visual communication skills, including how to brainstorm with visuals instead of with words.

When it comes to sketching, you’ll learn the basics of how to draw objects in a 3D space using techniques like line weight variation, contour lines, and styling as well as the basics of perspective sketching, developing grids, and mechanical perspective. You’ll also practice how to “cheat” to speed up the sketching process by tracing photos from the internet, using physical light sources to determine shadows, and using basic solids to draw complex objects.

How You’ll Learn

This five day course will take you from drawing fundamentals to being able to present a product sketch proposal through a combination of lectures, critiques of student and professional work, and hands-on practice. Lectures will be given by both your instructor and guest speakers currently working in the industrial design field, so you’ll get a well-rounded look at what goes into the industrial design process.

Each day you’ll focus on a different aspect of sketching like an industrial designer, and throughout the week you’ll see how to combine the different techniques and skills you’re learning to create product sketches that communicate your ideas effectively. Some of the techniques you’ll practice include quick sketching, drawing shapes that are rectilinear as well as organic, and using underlays and tracing to speed up the sketching process.

Skills You Walk Away With

By the end of the week, you will be able to:

  • Demonstrate freehand sketching to communicate design concepts
  • Construct perspective drawings using two-point and three-point perspective techniques
  • Demonstrate the skills to graphically represent basic object and 3-dimensional space
  • Use light source and shadow concepts
  • Communicate objects and space in orthogonal views
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