
Course Description

A lot more goes into developing the products you use and love than you might think, but by the end of this course you’ll have an understanding of every step of the product design and creation process. From finding a problem to creating a product that effectively works as a solution, you’ll go through every step of researching, brainstorming, and prototyping your product. You’ll get to experiment with the different steps of the design process and walk away with the ability to communicate using 2D and 3D models as well as the tools you need to talk about your ideas and intentions.

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Is This Course For You?

If you’re a rising high school sophomore, junior, or senior interested in the world of industrial design and creating products from start to finish, this course is for you. The hands-on learning in this course covers both traditional modeling of products as well as computer work digitally designing and prototyping them. The only skill you need coming into this course is basic drawing skills as you’ll need to be able to represent an object with simple line drawings.

What You’ll Learn

During this course, you’ll learn the step-by-step process of bringing a design to life as well as what goes on “behind the scene” of the conception of a product. You’ll cover everything from how to research your ideas to developing them and creating your own prototype product. You’ll learn how to differentiate between the different parts of the creation process including what the art, design, and engineering elements are and how they all come together.

When designing your own product, you’ll learn how to critically analyze the purpose, form, and function of a product, and you’ll also learn the basics of design research so you can create an innovative product. Being able to effectively communicate your idea is a vital part of the design and development process, so you’ll also learn how to show your design intent through 2D, 3D, and oral presentations. You’ll create your visual presentations using physical model building such as 3D printing and laser cutting as well as digitally using Adobe Illustrator.

How You’ll Learn

This five day, in-person course will give you a hands-on experience of what it’s like to work in a design lab and go through the design process from the initial problem to a product that provides the solution. You’ll look at both student and professional work for inspiration as well as to practice your critique skills on those products.

You’ll also have a project for the week and create your own product including researching, brainstorming, ideation, and prototyping. During this process you’ll learn key skills for success in the field of industrial design including research methods, sketching, 3D modeling, oral presentations, and creating prototypes. You’ll also get to visit the RIT FabLab to watch your project be fabricated. On the final day of the course, you’ll assemble your final prototype and present your design for feedback from your classmates and instructor.

Skills You Walk Away With

By the end of this course, you will:

  • Know basic design research methods
  • Be able to create a product from an idea to a finished looking prototype
  • Have the capacity to bring digital projects to reality using Adobe Illustrator and digital fabrication techniques such as 3D printing, water jetting, and laser cutting
  • Be able to effectively communicate your design ideas using 2D, 3D, and oral presentation methods
  • Know how to give and receive helpful constructive criticism on design ideas
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