
Course Description

A patient’s world view, life history, and individual experiences affect how they engage with healthcare providers and health information. Because of this, it’s imperative for today’s practitioner to have a deep knowledge of systemic, economic, and cultural barriers that impact care. Through this course, you will learn how to address and advocate for underrepresented and oppressed populations and work with them more effectively.

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Is This Course For You?

This course is designed for practicing clinical health professionals in non-behavioral health roles whether you’re in a role that requires no prior behavioral health training such as nurses, physician’s assistants, nurse practitioners, and medical technicians, or a role that requires some behavioral health training such as medical doctors, peer advocates, and helpline/crisis workers. No matter how much field experience you have, this course can give you valuable insight and training in being culturally sensitive to be a more empathetic and understanding care provider.

What You’ll Learn

In this course, you will use case examples and skills demonstrations to learn invaluable techniques and skills that address intersectional barriers to healthcare resources and patient goals. Further, you will develop a deep understanding of intercultural interventions by completing interactive demonstrations of your skills. You will become well-versed in cultural humility and communication practices that benefit marginalized individuals who are most negatively impacted by the medical system, making you an invaluable asset to your organization. By the end of the course, you will be prepared to achieve patient goals, as well as provide education and resources that will help close the gap in patient disparity. More importantly, you will learn how to become a practitioner that is both aware and empathetic to the injustices of the system, and help make healthcare a more equitable field.

How You’ll Learn

??This six week course includes 20 hours of instructional time broken into 2-4 hour modules each week. This instructional time is through pre-recorded interactive video lectures, so you can choose the most convenient times out of your schedule to do your coursework. These interactive lectures include video vignettes, interactive quizzes, and more to keep you engaged during each module so you can take in the key information that you need to become an empathetic clinician aware of how your patients’ lives have impacted their view of you before they ever interact with you.

Skills You Walk Away With

By the end of this course, you will:

  • Develop a working knowledge of how different cultures engage with behavioral health practices and interventions.
  • Practice relationship building techniques that improve communication between patient and caregiver for specific populations
  • Demonstrate skills in advocating for patient-centered care for specific patients

Applies Towards the Following Certificates

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