
Course Description

User experience is a key component of having a website or application that users actually want to engage with. When you understand how to create a better user experience, you can create strategies that will keep your users interested and engaged on your site for longer, which can have a range of benefits including an increase in sales or advertising revenue. In this course, you will learn about the usability concepts, tools, and techniques through the lens of technical communication so you can create effective and understandable usability plans for a website or application, also known as an app.

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Is This Course For You?

Whether you’re looking to start a career in technical communication or you want to add technical communication skills to your resumé to take the next step along your career path, this course will help you develop. This is one of the elective course options in the Technical Communication Mastery Certificate, but it can be taken as a standalone course if you’re looking to learn about how to create usability strategies for ecommerce sites and apps. Skills related to technical communication and usability strategies are in high demand in many industries including tech, health care, IT, education, business, and more, so adding these skills to your resumé can help give your career a boost regardless of your current role.

What You’ll Learn

In this course, you’ll get an introduction to usability concepts, tools, and techniques. You’ll learn about how the concepts of technical communication and user experience, also known as usability, are related as well as how you can apply usability strategies to technical documentation. What you learn throughout the course will culminate in a project where you create a usability plan for an ecommerce website or a specific app.


How You’ll Learn

Usability Strategies for Technical Communication is a six week, fully online course. You will engage in hands-on learning about the principles and practices of usability strategy so that you walk away from the course with the knowledge you need to start creating usability strategies in real world applications. All of your learning activities will build off of one another and progress towards your final project where you will create a usability plan for an existing or new app or ecommerce site.

Skills You Walk Away With

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Explain usability concepts, tools, and techniques and how they apply to technical communication
  • Apply the different types of writing associated with usability and user experience design
  • Conduct user research with a small group of participants
  • Apply usability concepts, tools, and techniques to a technical documentation project
  • Create a usability plan for a specific application or an ecommerce website

Applies Towards the Following Certificates

Enroll Now - Select a section to enroll in
Section Title
Usability Strategies for Technical Communication
May 02, 2025 to Jun 13, 2025
Delivery Options
Course Fee(s)
Tuition non-credit $695.00
Drop Request Deadline
May 25, 2025
Transfer Request Deadline
May 01, 2025
Section Title
Usability Strategies for Technical Communication
Jul 07, 2025 to Aug 15, 2025
Delivery Options
Course Fee(s)
Tuition non-credit $695.00
Drop Request Deadline
Jul 30, 2025
Transfer Request Deadline
Jul 06, 2025
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